
Tiferet - 50






Lot 101:
Letter of Blessings Handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo'leh Horowitz of Reisha.
Letter of Blessings Handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo'leh Horowitz of Reisha. Letter with blessings handwritten and signed and with the stamp of the Holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo'leh Horowitz of Reisha. 

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Lot 102:
Important Letter by the Holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz - London
Important Letter by the Holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz - London Fascinating and important letter handwritten by the holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz, lamenting the situation of his beloved grandsons in the Holy land, the members of the pedigreed Halberstam family and asking to support them. 

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Lot 103:
Darkei Teshuvah on Shechita and Treifot With Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein the Son-in-Law of Rabbi Yeshayale of Kerestir
Darkei Teshuvah on Shechita and Treifot With Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein the Son-in-Law of Rabbi Yeshayale of Kerestir Darkei Teshuva on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, section II of Hilchot Shechita and Treifot, by the holy Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Shapiro of Munkatch. Vilna, 1893. 

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Lot 104:
To Stir Pity for the Tzaddik of Rozdol! Letter by His Son the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Solom Taub
To Stir Pity for the Tzaddik of Rozdol! Letter by His Son the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Solom Taub Letter written by the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Sholom Taub to Kollel Shomrei HaChomos, with a touching request to pray for his father the holy Rav of Rodzol Rabbi Yehuda Yechiel Taub. Margaretin, 1937. 

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Lot 105:
Books by the Maggid of Kozhnitz - Copy of the Holy Gaon the Imrei Yehuda of Sekelhid
Books by the Maggid of Kozhnitz - Copy of the Holy Gaon the Imrei Yehuda of Sekelhid Sefer Beit Yisrael on Masechet pesachim, with Likutim. By the holy Maggid of Kozhnitz. Warsaw 1880 edition. The personal copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner, Av Beis Din and Ram of Sekelhid and the vicinity. 

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Lot 106:
Tzeror Hachaim. First Edition. Munkatch, 1876 Copy of the Dayan of Pápa, Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman.
Tzeror Hachaim. First Edition. Munkatch, 1876 Copy of the Dayan of Pápa, Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman. Tzeror Hachaim, by Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke ben Rabbi Yosef. Munkatch, 1876. First edition. Copy of the Dayan of Pápa, Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman. 

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Lot 107:
Letter by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ginzler following the Passing of the Kedushas Yom Tov of Siget
Letter by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ginzler following the Passing of the Kedushas Yom Tov of Siget Important letter handwritten and signed by the holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ginzler Av Beis Din of Ober Vishova, sent to the grandson of his brother-in-law the holy Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich of Shamloy, following the passing of the Kedushas Yom Tov of Siget. 1904. 

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Lot 108:
Letter of Approbation and Blessings Handwritten by Rabbi Mordechai Brisk of Tashnad
Letter of Approbation and Blessings Handwritten by Rabbi Mordechai Brisk of Tashnad Letter of approbation and blessings handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Brisk of Tashnad (Tăşnad), one of the leading rabbis of Hungary and the Rosh Yeshiva of the largest yeshiva in Transylvania. 1941.

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Lot 109:
Letter by the Beis Din of Munkatch Signed by the Rosh Av Beis Din Rabbi David Schlisel and the Dayanim of the Town
Letter by the Beis Din of Munkatch Signed by the Rosh Av Beis Din Rabbi David Schlisel and the Dayanim of the Town Foreign document by the Beis Din of Munkatch, with the handwritten signature of the Gaon Rabbi David Schlisel, Rosh Av Beis Din and Ram of Munkatch. 1933. 

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Lot 110:
Tikkun Leil Shavu'ot VeHoshana Rabba, printed in Slavuta, [1818]. Rare.
Tikkun Leil Shavu'ot VeHoshana Rabba, printed in Slavuta, [1818]. Rare. Tikkun Leil Shavu'ot VeHoshana Rabba, printed in Slavuta, [1818]. Rare.

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Lot 111:
Tehillim Printed in Slavuta 1821 With Mamadot
Tehillim Printed in Slavuta 1821 With Mamadot Precious! Tehillim printed by the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe Shapiro Av Beis Din of Slavuta, 1821. 

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Lot 112:
Set of Ein Yaakov, 3 Sections, The press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1812-1821
Set of Ein Yaakov, 3 Sections, The press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1812-1821 Set of the Ein Yaakov books, a pedigreed edition printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1812-1821. Fine, well-preserved copy!

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Lot 113:
Tractates Zevachim and Menachot, the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1821
Tractates Zevachim and Menachot, the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1821 Tractates Zevachim and Menachot of the Bavli Talmud, printed at the famed and pedigreed press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1821.

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Lot 114:
Mishnayot Sidrei Kodshim and Taharot, Slavuta, 1822
Mishnayot Sidrei Kodshim and Taharot, Slavuta, 1822 Two volumes of Shisha Sidrei Mishnah, Seder Kodashim and Seder Taharot, printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta, 1822. 

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Lot 115:
Chumash Vayikra, the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta. 1825.
Chumash Vayikra, the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta. 1825. Chumash Vayikra, the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro in Slavuta. 1825.

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Lot 116:
Sefer Hazohar. Bereshit. Printed in Slavuta, 1827
Sefer Hazohar. Bereshit. Printed in Slavuta, 1827 Sefer Hazohar. Bereshit. Printed in Slavuta, 1827.

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Lot 117:
Sefer Devarim, Chamisha Chumshei Torah section V, with Rashi's commentary, Baal Haturim and Siftei Chachamim....
Sefer Devarim, Chamisha Chumshei Torah section V, with Rashi's commentary, Baal Haturim and Siftei Chachamim.... Sefer Devarim, Chamisha Chumshei Torah section V, with Rashi's commentary, Baal Haturim and Siftei Chachamim. The press of Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Sha[iro, Slavuta, 1833. Rare. 

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Lot 118:
Tehillim with Mamadot - Hebrew Teitch. The Press of the Pious Shapiro Brothers. Zhytomyr, 1859
Tehillim with Mamadot - Hebrew Teitch. The Press of the Pious Shapiro Brothers. Zhytomyr, 1859 Tehillim with Mamadot and with the meaning of the words in Yiddish - Hebrew Teitch. The Press of the Pious Shapiro Brothers. Zhytomyr, 1859.

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Lot 119:
Machzor for Yamim Nora'im. Shapiro Press in Zhytomyr, 1858
Machzor for Yamim Nora'im. Shapiro Press in Zhytomyr, 1858 Machzor for Yamim Nora'im - for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippu, the custom of Reisin, Lithuania and Poland.  The press of the partners, grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta in Zhytomyr, 1858.

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Lot 120:
Hilchot Bechorot by the Ramban, with the Mahrit Algazi. Printed in Zhytomyr, 1860
Hilchot Bechorot by the Ramban, with the Mahrit Algazi. Printed in Zhytomyr, 1860 Hilchot Bechorot and Chalah by the Ramban, with an elucidation by the Mahrit Algazi. The press of the grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta, Zhytomyr, 1860. 

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Lot 121:
Pri Megadim and Machatzit Hashekel, Zhytomyr, 1863. Copy of Rabbi Avraham Abele Katz Rappaport-Hortstein.
Pri Megadim and Machatzit Hashekel, Zhytomyr, 1863. Copy of Rabbi Avraham Abele Katz Rappaport-Hortstein. A basic book! Pri Megadim and Machatzit Hashekel, Orach Chaim, I, by Rabbi Yosef Te'omim.

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Lot 122:
Tikunei Hazohar. Shapiro Press in Zhytomyr, 1865. Fine Copy!
Tikunei Hazohar. Shapiro Press in Zhytomyr, 1865. Fine Copy! Tikunei Hazohar. The press of the pious Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro of Slavuta in Zhytomyr, 1865. Fine, elegant copy!

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Lot 123:
Extremely Rare! Tikkunei Hazohar - Kopust, 1810
Extremely Rare! Tikkunei Hazohar - Kopust, 1810 Extremely Rare! Sefer Tikkunei Hazohar printed by the printer of Kopust, 1810. Rare and has not been in auctions!

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Lot 124:
Todlot Adam VeChavah. Kposut, 1808 Copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Ashkenazi of Berditchev
Todlot Adam VeChavah. Kposut, 1808 Copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Ashkenazi of Berditchev Sefer rabbeinu Yerucham, Toldot Adam VeChavah. With Sefer Meisharim. Third, important edition, Kopust, 1808. Pedigreed copy and approbations by the holy Rav of Berditchev and Volozhin. 

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Lot 125:
Seder Mamadot, Nezhibuzh [Mahlov] 1828. Rare!
Seder Mamadot, Nezhibuzh [Mahlov] 1828. Rare! Seder Mamadot, the version of the Shelah Hakadosh with an addition by the holy Rav the Ohev Yisroel of Apta and with an approbation by the holy Rav of Zhinkov. Mezhibuzh, as printed in Mahlov 1828. 

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Lot 126:
Sefer Mitzvot Katan with an Approbation by the Holy Rav Baal Hatanya. 1805 Rare
Sefer Mitzvot Katan with an Approbation by the Holy Rav Baal Hatanya. 1805 Rare Sefer Mitzvot Katan, Amudei Golah, by Rabbeinu Yitzchak of Corbeil, Baal Hatosafot. Liadi, [1805]. Rare. 

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Lot 127:
Toldot Adam by the Famed Holy Rav Rabbi Moshe David Ashkenazi of Toltshov. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1845
Toldot Adam by the Famed Holy Rav Rabbi Moshe David Ashkenazi of Toltshov. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1845 Toldot Adam, Pilpul on Sugyot and Shitot of the entire Shas, by Rabbi Moshe David Ashkenazi of Toltshov. Yisroel Bak Press, Jerusalem, [1845]. First Edition. Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 128:
Otot Hashamayim by the Holy Rav of Strizov, the Rav of Maran the Yismach Moshe, First Edition
Otot Hashamayim by the Holy Rav of Strizov, the Rav of Maran the Yismach Moshe, First Edition Sefer Otot Hashamayim by the Kabbalist the holy Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Strizov, the Rav of Maran the Yismach Moshe - Zhytomyr, 1805 - first edition - glosses and signature

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Lot 129:
Manuscript of the Holy Book Yismach Moshe, with Many Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon of Lopush
Manuscript of the Holy Book Yismach Moshe, with Many Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon of Lopush Manuscript, four large pages of the book Yismach Moshe on Aggadot haShas and Likutim that was printed in Siget in 1908 - with many glosses handwritten by the Admor the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe David Teitelbaum Av Beis Din of Lopush.

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Lot 130:
Yismach Moshe 3 Sections. First Edition Well-Preserved and Pedigreed Copy!
Yismach Moshe 3 Sections. First Edition Well-Preserved and Pedigreed Copy! 3 sections of the first edition of Yismach Moshe. Lemberg 1849-1851. Two volumes. 

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Lot 131:
Semicha for a Shoches Handwritten by the Holy Rav of Teshed. 1932
Semicha for a Shoches Handwritten by the Holy Rav of Teshed. 1932 Letter of Semicha for a pious Shoches, handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi David Teitelbaum of Etshed the son of the Holy Rav Rabbi Avraham Aharon of Kolvasov and the grandson of the Yitav Lev of Siget. Etshed, 1932. 

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Lot 132:
Personal Copy of the Berach Moshe of Satmar Shut Beit Yitzchak, Lemberg, 1912
Personal Copy of the Berach Moshe of Satmar Shut Beit Yitzchak, Lemberg, 1912 Shut Beit Yitzchak, Orach Chaim section - Lemberg, 1912 - Personal Copy of the Admor the Berach Moshe of Satmar

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Lot 133:
Kreiti Ufleiti, by the Gaon Rabbi Yonason Eibschitz. Altona, [1763]. First edition that was printed...
Kreiti Ufleiti, by the Gaon Rabbi Yonason Eibschitz. Altona, [1763]. First edition that was printed... Kreiti Ufleiti, by the Gaon Rabbi Yonason Eibschitz. Altona, [1763]. First edition that was printed in the author's lifetime. With handwritten glosses inside the book. Rare. 

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Lot 134:
Ahavat Yehonatan, First Edition. Hamburg, 1765-1766
Ahavat Yehonatan, First Edition. Hamburg, 1765-1766 Ahavat Yehonatan, First Edition. Hamburg, 1765-1766. Rare. 

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Lot 135:
Tehillot Yaakov on Tehillim. Hamburg, 1784. First and Rare Edition. Pedigreed Copy!
Tehillot Yaakov on Tehillim. Hamburg, 1784. First and Rare Edition. Pedigreed Copy! Tehillot Yaakov, an elucidation on Tehillim, by Rabbi Yaakov Esh Feivel. Hamburg, [1784]. First edition. Pedigreed copy.

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Lot 136:
Document of the Beis Din of the Gewitsch Community, Mehrin, Shevat [1735].
Document of the Beis Din of the Gewitsch Community, Mehrin, Shevat [1735]. A document of commitment to debate before the Beis Din of the Gewitsch community and accept any compromise it reaches and a commitment to pay any fine due to a breach of the agreement. Gewitsch, [1735].

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Lot 137:
Arbitration Psak of the Beis Din of Hamburg. 1755.
Arbitration Psak of the Beis Din of Hamburg. 1755. Arbitration Psak of the Beis Din of Hamburg pertaining to the sale and purchase of seats at the synagogue of the Lichten Fels community - 1755.

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Lot 138:
Shtar Chalitza. Titenheim, [1765] signed by Rabbi Yaakov Steinhart.
Shtar Chalitza. Titenheim, [1765] signed by Rabbi Yaakov Steinhart. Shtar Chalitza. Titenheim, [1765] signed by Rabbi Yaakov Steinhart.

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Lot 139:
Shtar Tna'im Signed by Rabbi Moshe Lefler Av Beis Din of Gron. 1798
Shtar Tna'im Signed by Rabbi Moshe Lefler Av Beis Din of Gron. 1798 Shtar Tna'im (engagement contract) written during the Chupah of Reb Naftali Hirtz ben Rabbi Yisroel Bondy and Mrs. Leah bas Pesach Segal, signed by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Zvi Hirsch [Lefler]. Gron, [1798]. 

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Lot 140:
Six Pages Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg
Six Pages Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg Six pages of indices handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg - have not been printed - Prague, before 1821

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Lot 141:
Halachic Autograph by the Great Gaon Rabbi Meir Halevi Wosner Schlesinger of Gluga - Prague
Halachic Autograph by the Great Gaon Rabbi Meir Halevi Wosner Schlesinger of Gluga - Prague Entire Pilpul handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Meir of Gluga, the Rosh Yeshiva of Prague. 

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Lot 142:
Historical Document Handwritten by the Aruch Laner
Historical Document Handwritten by the Aruch Laner Historical document documenting the struggle of German rabbis against Reform Jews; letter handwritten and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Ettlinger, the Aruch Laner. Altona, (1854). 

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Lot 143:
Rosh Yosef First Edition, Kitan, 1717
Rosh Yosef First Edition, Kitan, 1717 Sefer Rosh Yosef on the tractates of the Shas by Rabbi Yosef Av beis Din of Seltz and Tiktim - Kitan, 1717 - first edition - copy given as a gift by the author - ancient ownership notations

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Lot 144:
First Edition of a Rare Book! Yessod Olam, on the Wisdom of the Ibur. Berlin, 1777
First Edition of a Rare Book! Yessod Olam, on the Wisdom of the Ibur. Berlin, 1777 Yessod Olam, on the wisdom of the Ibur, by Rabbeinu Yitzchak Hayisraeli. Berlin, [1777]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 145:
Piskei Halachot by the Kabbalist Rabbeinu Menachem of Recanati. Bologna, [1538]. First edition. Rare. 
Piskei Halachot by the Kabbalist Rabbeinu Menachem of Recanati. Bologna, [1538]. First edition. Rare.  Piskei Halachot by the Kabbalist Rabbeinu Menachem of Recanati. Bologna, [1538]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 146:
Sefer Yereim by Rabbi Eliezer of Metz, one of Baalei Hatosafot. George de Kabali Press,...
Sefer Yereim by Rabbi Eliezer of Metz, one of Baalei Hatosafot. George de Kabali Press,... Sefer Yereim by Rabbi Eliezer of Metz, one of Baalei Hatosafot. George de Kabali Press, Venice, [1566]. First edition. Rare.

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Lot 147:
Second Edition of the Shulchan Aruch, Venice, 1567
Second Edition of the Shulchan Aruch, Venice, 1567 [3] volumes, the second edition of the Shulchan Aruch, Tur Yoreh Deah, Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat. Zuan Grippo Press, Venice, 1567. First edition with square fonts that was published in the author's lifetime. Rare. 

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Lot 148:
Rabbi Yisroel Isserlin, Venice, 1566. Rare
Rabbi Yisroel Isserlin, Venice, 1566. Rare Rashi's commentary on the Torah, with Chidushei Rabbi Yisroel Isserlin. Venice, [1566]. Rare. 

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Lot 149:
Sefer She'erit Yosef, Klalaei Hagemore, by Rabbi Yosef ibn Virga. [The press of Tomasho Rupinilo]...
Sefer She'erit Yosef, Klalaei Hagemore, by Rabbi Yosef ibn Virga. [The press of Tomasho Rupinilo]... Sefer She'erit Yosef, Klalaei Hagemore, by Rabbi Yosef ibn Virga. [The press of Tomasho Rupinilo] Mantova, [1593]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 150:
Masechet Gittin with Rashi's Commentary Only! Krakow, 1618 - Rare!
Masechet Gittin with Rashi's Commentary Only! Krakow, 1618 - Rare! Masechet Gittin with Rashi's Commentary only, without the Tosfot. Krakow, [ca. 1618]. Rare.

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