
Auction #53 - Feb 2






Lot 1:
Or Hameir Vekol Mevaser. Kabbalah. Single Edition. Jerusalem, 1907
Or Hameir Vekol Mevaser. Kabbalah. Single Edition. Jerusalem, 1907 Or Hameir Vekol Mevaser, by the Kabbalist Rav Rabbi Shimon Zvi [Horowitz]. Jerusalem, [1907]. Single edition.

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Lot 2:
Sharei Tzedek, Second Edition. Jerusalem, 1864
Sharei Tzedek, Second Edition. Jerusalem, 1864 Sharei Tzedek by the Chayei Adamץ Jerusalem, [1864]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 3:
First Edition of the Taz! Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat. Published by the Chacham Zvi Hamburg, 1692
First Edition of the Taz! Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat. Published by the Chacham Zvi Hamburg, 1692 Sefer Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat [Siman 1-246]. Hamburg, [1692]. First edition of the Taz on Choshen Mishpat, which was edited and published by the Chacham Zvi. Rare. 

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Lot 4:
Reshit Chochma. Berlin, 1703. Rare
Reshit Chochma. Berlin, 1703. Rare Reshit Chochma, by Rabbi Eliyahu di Vidas. Berlin, [1703]. Rare. 

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Lot 5:
Shoshanat HaAmakim by the Alshich Hakadosh. Offenbach, 1717. Rare
Shoshanat HaAmakim by the Alshich Hakadosh. Offenbach, 1717. Rare Shoshanat HaAmakim by the Alshich Hakadosh. Offenbach, 1717. Rare

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Lot 6:
Yeffe Mareh on the Yerushalmi. Amsterdam, 1727. Ownership Notations
Yeffe Mareh on the Yerushalmi. Amsterdam, 1727. Ownership Notations Sefer Yeffe Mareh on the Yerushalmi. Amsterdam, 1727. Ownership notations of Rabbi Hirsch Blum. 

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Lot 7:
Knesset Hagedolah. Important Edition. Izmir, 1734. Rare
Knesset Hagedolah. Important Edition. Izmir, 1734. Rare Knesset Hagedolah, Choshen Mishpat. Mahadura Batra, I [Siman 1-289] by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. The press of Yonah Asheknazi and David Chazan, Izmir, [1734]. Rare. 

Start price:


Lot 8:
Sefer Yad Charuzim, Handwritten Copy of the Venice 1740 Edition.
Sefer Yad Charuzim, Handwritten Copy of the Venice 1740 Edition. Handwritten copy of Sefer Yad Charuzim, Venice 1573 [i.e. 1740] edition. 

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Lot 9:
First Edition of Kitzur Alshich on the Torah. Amsterdam, 1748. Extremely Rare
First Edition of Kitzur Alshich on the Torah. Amsterdam, 1748. Extremely Rare Kitzur Alshich on the Torah. by Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Dayan of Lublin. The press of the orphans of Shlomo Proops Katz, Amsterdam, [1748]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 10:
Yam shel Shlomo. Kiddushin. First Edition. Berlin, 1776. Copy of the Leading Disciples of the Chatam Sofer
Yam shel Shlomo. Kiddushin. First Edition. Berlin, 1776. Copy of the Leading Disciples of the Chatam Sofer Yam shel Shlomo. Kiddushin. First Edition. Berlin, 1776. Copy signed by Rabbi Moshe  Shacherles, Gabai Tzeddaka of Pressburg.

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Lot 11:
Kol Yehuda. Furth, 1769
Kol Yehuda. Furth, 1769 Kol Yehuda, innovations by Rabbi Yehuda of Gluga and innovations he introduced in the name of his rabbis Furth, [1769]. 

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Lot 12:
Printed in Livorno, First Edition: Machaneh Reuven. 1777. Bound with Tosfot Rabbeinu Peretz. 1819. Pedigreed Rabbinic Copy
Printed in Livorno, First Edition: Machaneh Reuven. 1777. Bound with Tosfot Rabbeinu Peretz. 1819. Pedigreed Rabbinic Copy Machaneh Reuven, by Rabbi Reuven Zelig of Zamusht. First edition, Livorno, [1777]. 

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Lot 13:
Mayim Amukim. Berlin, 1778. Mahadura Tanyana. Pedigreed Copy
Mayim Amukim. Berlin, 1778. Mahadura Tanyana. Pedigreed Copy Mayim Amukim, Shut by Rabbeinu Eliyahu Mizrachi and Rabbi Eliyahu ben Chaim. Second edition. Berlin, 1778. Pedigreed Copy.

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Lot 14:
Yeriot Shlomo on Synonyms. First Edition, Dhyrenfurth, 1784
Yeriot Shlomo on Synonyms. First Edition, Dhyrenfurth, 1784 Yeriot Shlomo, section I - Dhyrenfurth, 1784 - first edition

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Lot 15:
Avkat Rochel by Maran the Beis Yosef. First Edition. Salonika, 1791
Avkat Rochel by Maran the Beis Yosef. First Edition. Salonika, 1791 Avkat Rochel, Shut on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat, by Maran Rabbi Yosef Karo. First edition. Salonika, 1791. 

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Lot 16:
Shut Besamim Rosh. First Edition. Berlin, 1793
Shut Besamim Rosh. First Edition. Berlin, 1793 Shut Besamim Rosh [attributed to Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel, Rosh]. With Hagahot Kise Deharsana by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Av Beis Din of Berlin. First Edition. Berlin, 1793. Rare. 

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Lot 17:
Sharei Kedushah. Horodna, 1794
Sharei Kedushah. Horodna, 1794 Sharei Kedushah by Rabbi Chaim Vital. [Press of Kink Stanislos Augustus], Horodna, [1794]. 

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Lot 18:
Shemen Hama'or, Prague, 1816. First Edition Notations from the Period
Shemen Hama'or, Prague, 1816. First Edition Notations from the Period Sefer Shemen Hama'or on Orach Chaim by Rabbi Meir Halevi Schlesinger of Gluga - Prague, 1816 - First edition

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Lot 19:
Drush Amud Hatavech. Eulogy for the Av Beis Din of Bialystok. Rare Kuntres. Single Edition. 1814
Drush Amud Hatavech. Eulogy for the Av Beis Din of Bialystok. Rare Kuntres. Single Edition. 1814 Drush Amud Hatavech, eulogy for the Moreh Tzedek and Av Beis Din of Bialystok by Rabbi Yaakov Yeshaya [Peres]. Bialystik, 1814. Single edition.

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Lot 20:
Shut Noda BiYehuda, Lashtzov, 1818 Edition Signatures and Notations from the Period
Shut Noda BiYehuda, Lashtzov, 1818 Edition Signatures and Notations from the Period Shut Noda BiYehuda, Kama - two sections in a single volume - Lashtzov, 1818 - signatures and notations

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Lot 21:
Hadrat Zkenim. On Ma'asseh of 72 Elderly during the Days of King Talmai. Printed in Vilna, 1818
Hadrat Zkenim. On Ma'asseh of 72 Elderly during the Days of King Talmai. Printed in Vilna, 1818 Hadrat Zkenim, Igeret Aristo (Aristotle's Missive), the copying of the Torah by seventy-two elderly people, translated from Greek by Rabbi Azarya dei Rossi. Menachem Mann Press, Vilna, [1818]. 

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Lot 22:
Zimrat HaAretz by Rabbi Yaakov Birav. Livorno, 1820. Second Edition
Zimrat HaAretz by Rabbi Yaakov Birav. Livorno, 1820. Second Edition Zimrat HaAretz [by Rabbi Yaakov Birav]. the Press of Sadon Molcho and Co. Livorno, [1820]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 23:
Sefer Otiyot Derabbi Akiva, Extremely Rare and Special Edition, Russia-Poland, ca. 1820
Sefer Otiyot Derabbi Akiva, Extremely Rare and Special Edition, Russia-Poland, ca. 1820 Sefer Otiyot Derabbi Akiva, [Russia-Poland, ca. 1820]. Rare edition. 

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Lot 24:
Shut Me'il Tzeddakah, Sudilkov - 1835
Shut Me'il Tzeddakah, Sudilkov - 1835 Shut Me'il Tzeddakah, [by Rabbi Yonah Landsofer]. The press of Yitzchak ben Rabbi Eliezer. Sudilkov, 1835.

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Lot 25:
Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer. Pedigreed Copy. Lemberg, 1836
Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer. Pedigreed Copy. Lemberg, 1836 Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, with Tzla'ot Habayit, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner. Chaya Grossman Press, Lemberg, (1836). Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 26:
Mishpat HaAchizah and Mishpat Hazchiyah. Sulzbach Press, Breslau, 1838. Single Edition
Mishpat HaAchizah and Mishpat Hazchiyah. Sulzbach Press, Breslau, 1838. Single Edition Mishpat HaAchizah and Mishpat Hazchiyah, elucidated in a new manner according to the Torah, by Rabbi Mordechai Dov Friedenthal. Hirsch Sulzbach Press, Breslau, [1838]. Single edition. 

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Lot 27:
Zara DeYosef, Section I, Livorno 1849 First Edition
Zara DeYosef, Section I, Livorno 1849 First Edition Sefer Zara DeYosef, section I, Chidushei Halachah and Sugyot by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Eliyahu Chai Borgel, the grandson of the Gaon author of Chok Natan. Moshe Yeshuah Toviana Press, Livorno, [1849]. First edition [the year of the approbation and introduction 1850].

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Lot 28:
Mareh Rei'ah. Kuntresim on Hilchot Shechita by Rabbi Yonah of Makova Munkatch, 1906
Mareh Rei'ah. Kuntresim on Hilchot Shechita by Rabbi Yonah of Makova Munkatch, 1906 Sefer Mareh Rei'ah, including six Kuntresim on Hilchot Shechita and Treifot HaRei'ah, by Rabbi Yonah Zeev Halevi [Halpert], Shochet of Makova. Kahn et Fried Press, Munkatch, 1906. 

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Lot 29:
Shut Arugat Habosem. Shamloy, 1926. Pedigreed Copy of the Son of the Gaon the Shuraner Rov
Shut Arugat Habosem. Shamloy, 1926. Pedigreed Copy of the Son of the Gaon the Shuraner Rov Shut Arugat Habosem, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, I, by the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe ben Amram [Greenwald]. Shlomo Halevi Heimlich Press, Shamloy, 1927. Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 30:
Shut Pnei Mevin, Two Sections. Pedigreed Rabbinic Copy
Shut Pnei Mevin, Two Sections. Pedigreed Rabbinic Copy Shut Pnei Mevin, two sections in a single volume. By the great Gaon Rabbi Nethanel Fried. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Fischer Av Beis Din of Altendorf and the vicinity. 

Start price:


Lot 31:
Likutei Halachot by Maran the Chofetz Chaim of Radin First Edition with the Notation of Mugeh Handwritten by HIm. Pedigreed Copy of Gedolei Hamussar of Lithuania
Likutei Halachot by Maran the Chofetz Chaim of Radin First Edition with the Notation of Mugeh Handwritten by HIm. Pedigreed Copy of Gedolei Hamussar of Lithuania Sefer Likutei Halachot by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Hacohen of  Radin, author of the Chofetz Chaim,  with the notation of 'Mugeh' handwritten by hIm. Copy of the Mashgiach the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Dov Zvi Heller, the Mashgiach of the Slabodka Yeshiva and one of Gedolei Hamussar before the World War, the father-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetzky.

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Lot 32:
Seder Mamadot with a Foreword by the Ohev Yisroel of Apta. Chernovich, 1843
Seder Mamadot with a Foreword by the Ohev Yisroel of Apta. Chernovich, 1843 Seder Mamadot, for the seven days of the week based on the holy Shelah and the Tevu'ot Schor. Chernovich, [1843]. 

Start price:


Lot 33:
Shut Divrei Chaim. Sanz. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. Lviv, 1875
Shut Divrei Chaim. Sanz. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. Lviv, 1875 Shut Divrei Chaim, two sections, published by 'אנכי הצעיר והדל בישראל בקראי שמי חיים הרב דק' צאנז' (i the young... Chaim the Rav of Sanz]. First Edition. Lviv, 1875.

Start price:


Lot 34:
Kedushat Yom Tov. First Edition. Siget, 1905 Copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Asher Anschel Greenwald, the Mateh Asher
Kedushat Yom Tov. First Edition. Siget, 1905 Copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Asher Anschel Greenwald, the Mateh Asher Kedushat Yom Tov on the Torah and Moadim - the work of Rabbi Chanaya Yom Tov Lipa of Siget. First edition. Siget, 1905 - two sections in a single volume. Copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Asher Anschel Greenwald on Ungvar, author of the Mateh Asher. 

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Lot 35:
Midrash Eliyahu. Approbation by the Holy Rav of Sadigura. Chernovich, 1860
Midrash Eliyahu. Approbation by the Holy Rav of Sadigura. Chernovich, 1860 Midrash Eliyahu, Drushim on the virtue of the passing of Tzaddikim and Chassidim, by Rabbi Eliyahu Hacohen [HaItamari]. The press of Johan Eckhardt and Son, Chernovich, 1860. 

Start price:


Lot 36:
The Secret of Tanit Dibur - Handwritten by the Mekubal Rabbi Yitzchak Alfiya - the Distributor of the Segulah of Tanit Dibur based on the doctrine of the Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk.
The Secret of Tanit Dibur - Handwritten by the Mekubal Rabbi Yitzchak Alfiya - the Distributor of the Segulah of Tanit Dibur based on the doctrine of the Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk. Announcement handwritten by the Gaon, the Mekubal Rabbi Yitzchak Alfiya - on the Segulah of Tehillim and Tanit Dibur and its great power, based on the doctrine of the Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk. Jerusalem, ca. 1920. 

Start price:


Lot 37:
Postcard by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef - the Rishon LeZion. Petach Tikvah, 1957
Postcard by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef - the Rishon LeZion. Petach Tikvah, 1957 Postcard handwritten by Maran the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, from his days in Petach Tikvah, 1957. 

Start price:


Lot 38:
Psak Halacha by Maran the Rishon LeZion the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef to the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Yekutiel Efrati On Matters of Orla
Psak Halacha by Maran the Rishon LeZion the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef to the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Yekutiel Efrati On Matters of Orla Psak Halacha on matters of Orla sent by Maran the Rishon LeZion the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef to the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Yekutiel Efrati, 1982. 

Start price:


Lot 39:
Letter by the Rishon LeZion Maran Rabbi Ovadya Yosef
Letter by the Rishon LeZion Maran Rabbi Ovadya Yosef Letter sent by the Rishon LeZion Maran the Gaon Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, Baal Yabi'a Omer, Chazon Ovadya and Yechveh Daat, to his friend the Gaon Rabbi Chaim David Halevi, the Rav of Tel Aviv-Yaffo and the district. 1979. 

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Lot 40:
Basic Response by Maran the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef - on the Study of Kabbalah
Basic Response by Maran the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef - on the Study of Kabbalah Basic Response by Maran the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef - on the Study of Kabbalah at institutes headed by non-Yirei Hashem called Kabbalists. 1992.

Start price:


Lot 41:
Manuscript by an Anonymous Writer. Chidushei Sugyot of Masechet Avodah Zara and Chulin - Ashkenazic Script - 18th Century
Manuscript by an Anonymous Writer. Chidushei Sugyot of Masechet Avodah Zara and Chulin - Ashkenazic Script - 18th Century Manuscript, Chidushei Sugyot of Masechet Avodah Zara and Chulin - Ashkenazic script - not published - 18th century

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Lot 42:
Chidushei Torah on Masechet Chulin and Pesachim by an Unknown Writer. Ashkenazic Script. Not Published
Chidushei Torah on Masechet Chulin and Pesachim by an Unknown Writer. Ashkenazic Script. Not Published Manuscript, Chidushei Sugyot of Masechet Chulin and Pesachim - Ashkenazic script - not published - 18th century

Start price:


Lot 43:
Manuscripts that were Not Published on Masechet Pesachim. Askenazic Script from the 18th Century
Manuscripts that were Not Published on Masechet Pesachim. Askenazic Script from the 18th Century Manuscript, six pages, Chidushim on Masechet Pesachim by varied writers - Ashkenazic script - not published - 18th century

Start price:


Lot 44:
Manuscript by an Unknown Writer. The Sugya of Ta'am KeIkar. Ashkenazic Script from the 19th Century
Manuscript by an Unknown Writer. The Sugya of Ta'am KeIkar. Ashkenazic Script from the 19th Century Manuscript, two pages, Chidushim on the Sugyot of "Ta'am KeIkar" and "Reicha Milta" - Ashkenazic script - not published - 19th century

Start price:


Lot 45:
Manuscript by an Unknown Disciple of One of Gedolei Hador. Chidushim on Masechet Pesachim. 18th Century
Manuscript by an Unknown Disciple of One of Gedolei Hador. Chidushim on Masechet Pesachim. 18th Century Manuscript, four pages - Chidushim on Masechet Pesachim - not published - Ashkenazic script - 18th century

Start price:


Lot 46:
Manuscript on Masechet Sukkah and Hilchot Pesachim by an Unknown Writer
Manuscript on Masechet Sukkah and Hilchot Pesachim by an Unknown Writer Manuscript, four pages, Chidushim on Masechet Sukkah and Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Pesach - not published - Ashkenazic script - 18th century 

Start price:


Lot 47:
Chidushim on Masechet Sukkah by an Unknown Writer. Ashkenazic Script.
Chidushim on Masechet Sukkah by an Unknown Writer. Ashkenazic Script. Manuscript, two large pages, Chidushim on Masechet Sukkah - not published - Ashkenazic script - 18th century

Start price:


Lot 48:
Chidushim on Parashat Yitro that were not Published. Ashkenazic Script from the 18th Century
Chidushim on Parashat Yitro that were not Published. Ashkenazic Script from the 18th Century Handwritten leaf, Chidushim on Parashat Yitro - not published - Ashkenazic script - 18th century

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Lot 49:
Drush on Masechet Avot by an Unknown Writer - Ashkenazic Script - 19th century
Drush on Masechet Avot by an Unknown Writer - Ashkenazic Script - 19th century Manuscript, Drush on Masechet Avot - Ashkenazic script - 19th century

Start price:


Lot 50:
Leaves of Indices Handwritten by Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg of Prague
Leaves of Indices Handwritten by Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg of Prague Two pages of indices handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Bezalel Ronsburg - not published - Prague, before 1821

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